Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Real Madrid, Microsoft to create digital platform

By Emeka Agnam
Real Madrid C.F and Microsoft have signed a landmark agreement accelerating the digital transformation of the club through technology.
This alliance, through which Microsoft becomes the strategic technological partner of Real Madrid, will revolutionize the experience enjoyed bymembers and supporters of the club by providing digital services that are accessible anywhere, anytime and on a host of devices such as PCs, tablets, smartphones and wearables.

The agreement provides for a number of different initiatives and technological developments that will be unveiled in the upcoming months.
These advances would serve to make Real Madrid the football club that delivers a comprehensive and streamlined online experience to its supporters, leading the way in the digital transformation of the sports industry.
Florentino Pérez, chairman of Real Madrid C.F.,and Orlando Ayala,corporate vice president and chairman, Emerging Markets at Microsoft,announced this strategic partnership at an event hosted at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, and at which Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, participatedwith a video message. The announcement was also streamed live online, so Real Madrid fans around the world could hear about this milestone in the history of both organizations.
Through cutting-edge technologies, supporters of Real Madrid will be able to access experiences, content and exclusive digital services, either at the stadium, at home or in any other location. Fans will improve their interaction with players and the club, making it even more personal, direct and exciting.
A host of online services will provide an enriched experience for watching matches. For instance, supporters of the club will be able to access the stadiumvirtually,before, during and after each game, selecting the content they want to see when they want to and where they want to see it. The aim of this technological initiative is to make Madridistas the real stars of their own experience by allowing them to view and consume the content they want and also create and share it with their friends on social media and other digital channels.
Services and devices
This agreement also provides for the use of services and devices,such as Surface Pro 3,by players and coaching staff as key work tools, with the aim of enhancing the performance and efficiency of the team. New internal collaboration and communication solutions will also be adopted, as well as the latest technology trends in areas such as cloud computing orbig data.

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